Warm greetings
from Torehund (aka Mark Chang ),
founder of the 10,000 Days studio. Here you'll find some of the
songs and compositions I wrote myself or with friends.
Hopefully, you'll like what you hear. Be warned, I am just an amateur with little musical trainings, talents, and a primitive home studio. Songwriting is an hobby of mine. I am always open to collaborations, ideas and comments.
This section will be updated with different songs, whenever they are completed, even though songs (like paintings or websites) are never 'completed'. There are always room for improvement, e.g. different arrangement, vocalist, or better recording technique/equipment.
Instrumental pieces are mostly likely to be in midi format. Songs with vocals are likely to be in wave (compressed) or RealAudio.
Be Glorified (midi file) - baroque sounding arrangement of a Christian hymn. One of my early (read: simple, basic) composition.
Regrets and Hopes (midi file) - draft version of a string quartet that I am currently working on
There are numorous great singers/songwriters that I like. Here are some of them which deserve much more attention than they are getting now:
Sandee Chen (a Chinese site)
myself, just kidding
email address: [email protected]